St Aulaye Cricket/Chenaud Casuals



Brief history: the club traces its origins to the first (known) organised cricket match in SW France between a team of visitors from London and the Bordeaux British Community in August 1981; we played Bordeaux regularly for several years and in 1983 we played Eymet for the first time on the St Aulaye football pitch. The club was established as St Aulaye Cricket in 1997. 


New cricketers welcome: although we no longer play league cricket we welcome visiting cricketers on holiday as well as new residents. We host a junior cricket week in early August and play friendly matches as Chenaud Casuals.


Ground, playing surface and facilities: the ground is outside the village of Chenaud (see below); we play on a green carpet wicket laid on concrete (so no spiked cricket shoes) and we have two practice nets. There is a small wooden pavilion and a toilet but no changing rooms or showers.


Accommodation: the Hôtel-Restaurant du Champ de Foire, in the middle of St Aulaye, has eight rooms, seven with double beds, one with twin beds but extra single beds can be added to accommodate 12 people; 05 53 90 08 83; The Hôtel/Hostellerie du Périgord in Aubeterre (8km away) is more expensive and has more rooms; 05 45 98 50 46;  St Aulaye’s 3* campsite includes chalets; 05 53 90 62 20/06 33 55 38 61;


Refreshments and post-match dinner: we ask visiting teams for 150€ per match to cover refreshments and ground expenses including new balls (we now use pink ones so hardly ever lose any). We would be pleased to organise dinner in St Aulaye, from about 25€ a head including wine.   


Where we are: St Aulaye is a small town on the river Dronne (and the Dordogne-Charente border) – good swimming beach with café-restaurant, tennis courts etc. We are about an hour south of Angoulême (for the TGV), an hour north of Bergerac (for Ryanair and Flybe), and 80 minutes east of Bordeaux. 


From Bordeaux leave the motorway at the Coutras exit, turn right to St Medard, then left to La Roche-Chalais and right for St Aulaye. Just before the town turn left at the roundabout towards Chenaud. The ground is on your right close to a hamlet called La Planche. There is also a direct route from the St Aulaye river beach.


Golf: nine-hole course within 20 minutes of St Aulaye – at the Manoir de Longeveau, near Aubeterre – and 18-hole courses at Périgueux and Angoulême.


Wynford Hicks, SAC & Chenaud Casuals secretary, tel: 00 33 5 53 91 32 57




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