St Aulaye Cricket Chenaud, Dordogne, France
JUNIOR CRICKET WEEK 2018Monday 30 July – Friday 3 Augustorganised bySt Aulaye CricketSUITABLE FOR: boys and girls 7-13, beginners and experienced playersPROGRAMME: Monday-Thursday, 9h30-12h: basic techniques of batting, bowling & fielding; practice drills and games; the laws and cricket etiquetteFriday 10h-12h30: friendly match including parents, followed by picnic lunchVENUE: the SAC ground is near the village of Chenaud, 24410 St Aulaye (Dordogne); the nearest campsite is the Camping Municipal de la Plage at St Aulaye (05 53 90 62 20) The local hotel is the Hôtel-Restaurant du Champ de Foire (05 24 14 80 63).
COST: 5€ per day, 25€ for the week (includes temporary club membership)DRESS & EQUIPMENT: shorts & T-shirt or cricket whites; cricket shoes or trainers (no spikes); hat or cap essential; equipment provided (but bring your own if possible)CLUB WEBSITE: Wynford Hicks, 05 53 91 32
JUNIOR CRICKET WEEK 2017Monday 31 July – Friday 4 Augustorganised bySt Aulaye CricketSUITABLE FOR: boys and girls 7-13, beginners and experienced playersPROGRAMME: Monday-Thursday, 9h30-12h: basic techniques of batting, bowling & fielding; practice drills and games; the laws and cricket etiquetteFriday 10h-12h30: friendly match including parents, followed by picnic lunchVENUE: the SAC ground is near the village of Chenaud, 24410 St Aulaye (Dordogne); the nearest campsite is the Camping Municipal de la Plage at St Aulaye (05 53 90 62 20) The local hotel is the Hôtel-Restaurant du Champ de Foire (05 24 14 80 63).
COST: 5€ per day, 25€ for the week (includes temporary club membership)DRESS & EQUIPMENT: shorts & T-shirt or cricket whites; cricket shoes or trainers (no spikes); hat or cap essential; equipment provided (but bring your own if possible)CLUB WEBSITE: Wynford Hicks, 05 53 91 32
JUNIOR CRICKET WEEK 2016 Monday 1 – Saturday 6 August organised by St Aulaye Cricket SUITABLE FOR: boys and girls 7-13, beginners and experienced players PROGRAMME: Monday-Friday, 9h30-12h: basic techniques of batting, bowling & fielding; practice drills and games; the laws and cricket etiquette Saturday 10h-12h30: friendly match including parents, followed by picnic lunch VENUE: the SAC ground is near the village of Chenaud, 24410 St Aulaye (Dordogne); the nearest campsite is the Camping Municipal de la Plage at St Aulaye (05 53 90 62 20) The local hotel is the Hôtel-Restaurant du Champ de Foire (05 24 14 80 63). COST: 5€ per day, 25€ for the week (includes temporary club membership) DRESS & EQUIPMENT: shorts & T-shirt or cricket whites; cricket shoes or trainers (no spikes); hat or cap essential; equipment provided (but bring your own if possible) CLUB WEBSITE: CONTACT: Wynford Hicks, 05 53 91 32 57
JUNIOR CRICKET WEEK 2015 Monday 3 – Thursday 6 August organised by St Aulaye Cricket SUITABLE FOR: boys and girls 7-13, beginners and experienced players PROGRAMME: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 9h30-12h: basic techniques of batting, bowling & fielding; practice drills and games; the laws and cricket etiquette Thursday 10h-12h30: friendly match, followed by picnic lunch
VENUE: the SAC ground is near the village of Chenaud, 24410 St Aulaye (Dordogne); the nearest campsite is the Camping Municipal de la Plage at St Aulaye (05 53 90 62 20) COST: 5€ per day, 20€ for the week (includes temporary club membership) DRESS & EQUIPMENT: shorts & T-shirt or cricket whites; cricket shoes or trainers (no spikes); hat or cap essential; equipment provided (but bring your own if possible) Contact: Wynford Hicks, 05 53 91 32 57 wynford@hicksinfrance.netJUNIOR CRICKET WEEK 2013
Monday 29 July to Saturday 3 Augustorganised bySt Aulaye CricketSUITABLE FOR: boys and girls 8-13, beginners and experienced playersPROGRAMME: Monday-Friday 9h30-12h: basic techniques of batting, bowling & fielding; practice drills and games; the laws and cricket etiquetteSaturday 10h-12h30: friendly match, followed by picnic lunchVENUE: the SAC ground is near the village of Chenaud, 24410 St Aulaye (Dordogne); the nearest campsite is the Camping Municipal de la Plage at St Aulaye (05 53 90 62 20)COST: 5€ per day, 25€ for the week (includes temporary club membership)DRESS & EQUIPMENT: shorts & T-shirt or cricket whites; cricket shoes or trainers (no spikes); hat or cap essential; equipment provided (but bring your own if possible)Contact: Wynford Hicks, 05 53 91 32
Junior Cricket at St Aulaye Cricket JUNIOR CRICKET 2013organised by St Aulaye CricketSpring junior weekend: 30-31 March & 1 AprilSUITABLE FOR: boys and girls 8-13, beginners and experienced playersPROGRAMME 14h-16h30 each day: basic techniques of batting, bowling & fielding; practice drills and games; the laws and cricket etiquetteVENUE: the SAC ground is near the village of Chenaud, 24410 St Aulaye (Dordogne)*COST: 5€ per day (includes temporary club membership)DRESS & EQUIPMENT: shorts & T-shirt or cricket whites; cricket shoes or trainers (no spikes); hat or cap and sweater or tracksuit; equipment provided (but bring your own if possible)* wet weather alternative: St Aulaye salle des sports
The weekend will be followed by regular weekly sessions, probably on Saturday afternoons (if there is enough demand).
ALSO…please note the dates of this year’s junior cricket week: Monday 29 July to Saturday 3 August
For further information please contact: Wynford Hicks, 05 53 91 32 57
JUNIOR CRICKET WEEK 2012Monday 30 July to Saturday 4 Augustorganised bySt Aulaye CricketSUITABLE FOR: boys and girls 8-13, beginners and experienced playersPROGRAMME: Monday-Friday 9h30-12h: basic techniques of batting, bowling & fielding; practice drills and games; the laws and cricket etiquetteSaturday 10h-12h30: friendly matchVENUE: the SAC ground is near the village of Chenaud, 24410 St Aulaye (Dordogne); the nearest campsite is the Camping Municipal de la Plage at St Aulaye (05 53 90 62 20)COST: 5€ per day, 25€ for the week (includes temporary club membership)DRESS & EQUIPMENT: shorts & T-shirt or cricket whites; cricket shoes or trainers (no spikes); hat or cap essential; equipment provided (but bring your own if possible)Contact: Wynford Hicks, 05 53 91 32
SPRING JUNIOR CRICKET WEEKfor boys and girls 8-12Monday 16 to Friday 20 April, 2012at the SAC cricket ground, ChenaudPROGRAMMEMonday 16 April – Thursday 19 April, 14h-17h: work on basic techniques, eg batting, bowling and fielding; practice drills and games; the laws and cricket etiquetteFriday 20 April, 14h-17h: friendly matchCHENAUD CRICKET GROUND: from St Aulaye centre take the Chalais road, go down the hill and turn left; this minor road leads to the cricket ground.EQUIPMENT: provided by the club – but bring your own (eg your bat if you have one)CLOTHING: cricket whites or shorts & T-shirt + sweater, tracksuit, trainers, cap
NB: the week is intended for both beginners and experienced players; coaching in both English and French.Organised by St Aulaye CricketContact: Wynford Hicks, 05 53 91 32
Junior cricket week 2011
About 30 young cricketers took part in the junior week organised every August at the St Aulaye Cricket ground, near Chenaud. Aged from 7 upwards, they included new residents and holiday makers, junior members of the local club and three visitors from Toulouse CC. For the first time since the inaugural week in 1990 we were fortunate to have the services of a professional coach, Phil Cooper, who was supported by Conan Hicks (Old Emanuel CC). Activities included various practice drills and games, some one-to-one coaching and a 25-over match for older players on the last day. Follow-up sessions for younger players are planned for September. Meanwhile the older players (15-17) from St Aulaye and Toulouse are touring Lancashire at the end of August. Further information from: Wynford Hicks, club secretary 05 53 91 32 57
St Aulaye Cricket has a very active junior section for all ages. Juniors have gone on to play at various ages for France Cricket. The activities include training, instruction and matches. Use of the nets and bowling machine enhances the training aspects and matches are played on the senior pitch. Each year there is a Junior Cricket week in August. This is often attended by coaches from France Cricket. For information and photos please click on the link below which will open a separate document.